Wednesday, November 26, 2008

with thanksgiving

When I met these 18-month-old marasa (twins) a month ago, they were both frighteningly skinny, covered with sores and had only patches of brittle orange hair. The little boy had a respiratory infection. The little girl had no appetite -she was clingy and irritable. Just four weeks later, after receiving rehabilitation doses of the “peanut butter medicine” and a course of antibiotics they have put on enough weight to be taken off the rehabilitation diet. Their hair is growing back. They are laughing and playing. The little boy ran ran around our office (the little girl still seems a bit developmentally delayed). Their mother and auntie were very relieved. While I still fear that we may see them back again in a few months (we counseled the mother on improved feeding practices but her lack of financial means are likely the biggest obstacle to caring for her kids), for now I am just thankful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

never doubt that you are doing the work of the kingdom of God.