Monday, September 8, 2008

Grandma Lucy comes to town

I'm working from home today after sending Grandma Lucy off to the Port-au-Prince airport this morning. My 82-year-old grandmother (my mom's mom) arrived last Wednesday afternoon - against the recommendations of the American Airlines ticket agent in Chicago. Three active tropical storms in the Caribbean could not keep her back. All she wanted was assurance that the tonic water she drinks daily to help prevent late-night muscle cramps would be available here. It took visits to three different grocery stores but I made sure there was a six-pack of tonic water ready and waiting for her arrival.

It was such a blessing to spend four and a half full days with her. Alone time with Grandma is not something you take for granted when you are one of 19 grandchildren. It took 30 years of life and moving out of the country for me to get my chance!

Between the downpours of rain, I was able to introduce her to many of the activities, people, and places that make up my day-to-day life in and around
Port-au-Prince. She came to work at the clinic with me. We ate lots of seafood and listened to a live old-school konpa band at my favorite cafe. We spent an overcast afternoon at a beach resort.

I got to hear a number of old-but-new-to-me family stories. We watched two inspiring movies on DVD and I introduced her to Rummikub - my latest favorite game. (I think it might be her latest favorite game now too). She even had time to read an entire book by my favorite Haitian-American author.

As those who already know her might expect, each friend and coworker here who met Grandma Lucy instantly loved her. They could not believe her energy, her enthusiasm for life or her real age. She had hugs for everyone and made a valiant effort to learn the name of each new person she met.

Sometimes I can't believe it myself - how blessed I am to have such an incredible person in my life and even more blessed to get share some of her incredible genes. Thank you Grandma!

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