Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Refrigerator Gallery

I told myself I would stop doing all of these pre-Haiti departure posts but it's just such a convenient way to avoid other more pressing, less creative work... : )

In her mountain retreat house, Laura, a dear friend and former WR colleague, has photos of friends and family covering the entire refrigerator door. I absolutely love it. When I moved to Ithaca two years ago, I followed Laura's example and asked friends and family to send me a photo to display on the fridge in my trailer (not quite the mountain retreat).

With my relocation to Haiti fast approaching, I refuse to leave my gallery behind and so I've found what I think will be an acceptable alternative to the front of a refrigerator.

A few days ago I issued another call for photos. It's been so fun to check my email each day (actually more like each hour) to see whose photo has shown up. I decided that such beautiful faces must be shared so here is a link to my "virtual fridge" - the collection will continue to grow as new photos arrive.

This is an equal opportunity gallery. If I missed you in my call for photos (and assuming I actually know who you are) it's due to a lack of email address in my contact book rather than a lack of desire to have you on display. So please do send me a photo of you and yours.

If you find yourself on display but would prefer not to be online, just let me know and I'll remove the photo.

Say cheese.... not quite sure how to say that in Kreyol yet! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

chris, kelly, emerson + baby said...

oh my goodness -- this is SOOOO great! thank you for sharing it!

kel :)