Monday, June 9, 2008

Guilty pleasure 1.0

Can't help but share this link to "Cassette from my Ex" - a website celebrating the lost art from the 80s and 90s of making mixed tapes to express our deepest feelings for others. The site includes the story behind each person's tape, the cover "art", and song lists complete with mp3. Too fun!

When I moved from Baltimore to Ithaca in 2005, I finally threw out the last few mixed tapes from my high school and college days (along with the long notes that accompanied them). There are still a few songs - Waiting in Vain by Bob Marley, Wildflowers by Tom Petty, and Get out the Map by the Indigo Girls - that trigger fond memories of mixed tape-making friends every time I hear them. What are your favorite mixed tape memories?


Anonymous said...

Ay, mi corazon! She threw out my tape! I'm going to have to pretend you listened to it so many times that it didn't work anymore...

Bex_78 said...

Kenbe Cheri. You can take credit for 2 of the 3 most-remembered mixed tape songs of my life. It was probably played on most extended road trip I took for the 6-7 years following its production (the years I actually had a tape deck in my car). I'd say that's a highly respectable legacy for one mixed tape produced senior year of high school, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with M.D.W.... why throw them out at all? J. has a whole huge box of tapes under his dresser that gets dragged out and pawed through every time we move (and only when we move). But I guess that's the life of the international jetsetter... you can't take it with you and you can't keep it in your trailer... so what are you gonna do. Hopefully you put the songs on your iPod, anyway?
As for me personally, I was never much of a tape girl... And I will probably not get my own iPod until after other people are playing music piped directly into their heads... so no memories here.
(I do remember listening to Get Out the Map with you though, my dear. Still love that song!)