Thursday, June 19, 2008

And then there were 3

We enrolled the first 3 kids into our study/project today! It was so exciting to listen to my team members as they explained our project to the two moms we met this morning (one had twins). I feel like sooner than later I am going to enter the phase of the project when I will get to "sit back" and just learn from the fantastic women who are working with me. Seriously, they are amazing.

We are hoping to enroll 5 more moms over the next week and then distribute the first round of manba to them on the 2nd and 3rd of July. We are going to follow these first 8 moms closely for a week or two and then pick-up the enrollment pace to ensure that all eligible mother/babies have the chance to participate. I'm not leaving here until we've followed 82 very cute and hopefully healthier babies through to their first birthdays!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! It's almost like having a baby, it takes so long with so much frustration and then suddenly - there they are! :)