Wednesday, May 28, 2008

new point of view

The clinic where i work in Port-au-Prince is only a few hundred yards from the sea. I only know that because someone else told me. I've never seen the water from second floor clinic windows- only the walls surrounding the clinic, the streets beyond the walls, and the entrance to the slum community across the way.

Sometimes it takes a change in perspective to realize what is actually around you. Heading up the mountain a little ways you get an entirely different view of the city.

Towards the sea:
And up the mountains:
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I remember being really struck by the beauty of this place when I was taking these photos. My point and shoot digital camera can't capture the panorama beyond the frame or the way the light fell just so. But I remember my heart going a little faster and thinking that in that moment, it was a good thing to be here in Haiti.

I think I've hit the point when I need another little trip up the mountain to find a new point of view.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool photo sequence and metaphor to your life, R! Wish I could be there to hike the mountain with you.
