Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Personal report from CNN's man on the street

It's always good to get a story from multiple perspectives - especially a story that has multiple layers - which is pretty much any story worth hearing. By default, living where I live in an upscale compound and hearing primarily from upper middle to upper class Haitians, fellow blan NGO volunteers or UN types, I will get a different story than those who listen to different people. So, just to try to add a little to what I have been writing about recent days' events, I recommend checking out the post about the protests on the personal blog of my friend, the CNN quoted "Felix Kurt Hildebrand". K's a good thinker, an excellent writer, and a more or less decent person who talks to different subset of Haitians than I typically do. One point that K makes that I know I haven't communicated clearly enough is really how few people were actually engaged in destruction. If you see the photos released by the UN you would think it was total anarchy....it was not. He also gives a little more context regarding recent political history. With the language barrier, I am pretty limited to sharing perspectives of fellow blans - but I'll keep them to ones worth reading!

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