Friday, April 11, 2008

All quiet....for now?

My mennonite friends continue to be among CNN's primary sources here in Haiti - this story quotes the director of RNDDH - a Haitian human rights group that two of my American friends volunteer with. I just met him yesterday when I went over to their office to use the internet.

Today was really quiet around Port-au-Prince. The grocery stores reopened. Traffic ran as usual. The clinic was back up and running but the foreign staff was asked to stay home again today as a precaution. (Sometimes we are more trouble than we are worth). We still don't have internet at home (I'm writing from a friend's place Friday evening) but the generator was fixed so for the first time in 3 days we had electricity.

Things are still hanging in the balance politically in Haiti. There has been a call for the prime minister to resign but no response yet from his party. The prediction is that if he doesn't take action and resign this weekend, Monday could be bad again.

For now though we - Haitians and blan alike - seem to be taking a deep breath and recollecting a bit.

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