Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just one more thing....

One more post for the day and then I'm working....and I mean that. L - one of the guys I talk about in my post on SODA below - worked as the "fixer" for the documentary on US policy and Haitian rice production featured here. I've heard that the end of the second part of the documentary includes a short segment on the AVJ poultry project. I personally haven't had a chance to watch it yet but would still encourage you to check it out. (For an interesting story of another "fixer" working in Iraq check out this NYT article)

For those of you who may be a little wary of the network sponsoring the documentary, I encourage you to take the time to read a little more about them. I personally find it exciting that there is another voice beyond the BBC and CNN in the global English-language news market- especially one that makes a pan-Middle Eastern perspective more accessible to the non-Arabic speaking world. Unfortunately most of us living in North America still have to look online to get it.


Anonymous said...

First, I just have to say I think maybe you thought we would be "wary" and not "weary" of the network? Just the english teacher in me talking...

But it reminds me of the time when I was on bedrest and I answered a long telephone survey (since I had nothing else to do) that included a portion about that network (is there a reason we aren't supposed to type out the name? kind of like voldemort). I had to answer lots of t/f statements like "I would suspect that such a network would be run by terrorists," etc.

Oddly enough, another part of the telephone survey asked me about whether I would buy non-traditionally "fast" foods at fast food restaurants, like bowls of chicken and dumplings and meatloaf. "The network" is now here, but the McDonald's meatloaf never materialized (at least not in New Jersey).

You are getting way ahead of me, I don't have time to catch up on all the rest of these posts tonight... Hope you ended up getting some work done! :)


Bex_78 said...

Wary it is....just a typo that I'll attribute to too much posting in one day. No voldemort type intentions... just didn't want my blog entry to come up if people are googling Al Jeezera English - which I'm sure that more than one person does. That's the same reason I don't include the full name of people I am writing about or the name of the place where I work Thanks for being my most faithful commenter...and grammar checker!

Bex_78 said...

Should that be commentator?

Anonymous said...

I really dislike the word commentator just on a personal level, so I'm going to go with commenter on that one. But idunno... I only taught English for five months, you know.
