Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rural Hipsters

I really enjoyed this NY Times feature (story and slideshow) on my fellow young adults with (sub)urbanite roots who are joining the local foods movement and trading their iMacs for overalls (Actually, they are probably keeping their iMacs and just pulling their mid-90s-cool overalls out of the back of the closest. No trade-offs required.)

I'm sure that many of them have been inspired (as I was) by Michael Pollen's book "The Ominivore's Dilemna" and the wave of other local-foodie propaganda (in the good sense) that has hit the media in recent years. (The really cool ones were already reading Wendell Berry back in the last millennium)

If you haven't already, I encourage you to check out the Local Harvest site to learn how to find locally grown foods in your community - including farmers markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms. "Buying a share" in a CSA will get your household a wonderful array of fresh local fruits and veggies all through your local growing season while ensuring that the small farmer has the financial capital needed to plant, harvest and provide for their own households.

If you need any ideas of what to do with so many wonderful new fruit and veggies, just ask me. I'm almost a "nutrition professional"....but better get back to my A-exam studying to make sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed this article in today's paper, too. Maybe we should all go find a farm somewhere! :)