Sunday, January 6, 2008

Around the world in 20 days

Happy New Year! I arrived back in Haiti yesterday after three weeks of holiday travel. While I didn't quite make it around the world, I managed to spend time in three different countries (Haiti, Jamaica, USA) and five different states (IL, NJ, NY, PA, FL). While all that busyness means I didn't come back very rested, after spending time with a number of family and friends. I am returning to Haiti feeling loved...which is definitely more important than eight hours of sleep per night for my overall health and wellbeing.

The trip started off with a week in Jamaica for my friend Wendy-Ann's wedding. Here are some photos of the momentous event. My parents definitely win "parents of the decade" award for all their love and support throughout this PhD season but particularly in the last few weeks. On a day's notice they flew out to Ithaca to help me pack up my room to put things in storage (I'm planning to be in Haiti all of 2008). I truly wouldn't be here without you Mom and Dad - thank you!

To be totally honest, I really wasn't (and still am not) so sure I was ready to return to Haiti. My feelings about being here are so mixed. Between PhD expectations and workload, the complications and isolation of living in a relatively insecure place like Port-au-Prince, and almost constant change in my living situation and social circle, I feel like I just haven't established a rhythm to my life here that allows me to enjoy it. Most days I feel emotional and exhausted....and just not quite myself. I know that these are not the sorts of feelings that a few weeks away are going to cure. They are the sort of feelings that I just have to live through. My experience so far has proven that faith and hope have managed to come in small doses at the moments when they are most needed - but not a moment sooner. So here I am. Back in Haiti.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


it was SO good to see you while you were home. coming out to your site made me realize i'm a little behind on reading your posts, so i'll try to get up-to-date shortly. :) i love being able to check in on you out here. you're in my thoughts and prayers, chica. God has SO much in store for you!

lots of love,
kel :)