Monday, March 9, 2009

beneficiaries of justice

For Lent this year I'm reading Wendy' Wright's book The Rising: Living the mysteries of Lent, Easter and Pentecost- a book of meditations given to me by my dear friend SLS when I first left for Haiti. The reading for the second week of Lent focuses on Jesus's teaching that "the last shall be first." Wright writes:The outcast, the prisoner, the poor, the homeless, victims of abuse and injustice, those discriminated against because of race or gender - these are among those whom we are called to put first. They are not to be the objects of our charity BUT THE BENEFICIARIES OF JUSTICE p. 40(emphasis mine) Service with and for the underserved is to be seen as an act of justice - an upholding of what is already properly due or merited to them as God-created beings.

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