Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have been and will likely continue to be quiet on the blog front in the coming weeks. It's been a really stressful work season - lots going on and lots of deadlines I have to meet (and a few I have already missed..hence the ugh). Appreciate thoughts/prayers for a good review of the project by the university ethics committees in March/April. Our project was surprisingly controversial during the initial approval because we are feeding peanuts to infants. I know they will be looking closely all that has happened to date. Good news is that there are some personal glimmers of hope on the horizon - my friend G is coming to visit Haiti in early April, will likely travel to New Orleans in late April for a conference, potential trips to Peru in May to visit my Cornell pal S and to another meeting in in June in Namibia...and by mid August, si bondye vle, intervention will be done. After almost 2 years away, I should be returning to live in my Ithaca homestead and work on writing up with the support of my adviser (who has been on sabbatical in Africa this entire year). I'm ridiculously excited about returning to my overstocked kitchen - breadmaker, rice cooker, french press, too many cookbooks! Oh, and having a car again....being able to take long walks....access to many dear friends within a few hours drive....reconnecting with a church community....getting to talk to nutrition-oriented colleagues....gimmee coffee americanos... Sigh - a girls gotta dream!


Anonymous said...

I've been so remiss about checking your blog lately... we got a new computer for Christmas and I realized that I didn't bookmark your blog so I wasn't looking at it as frequently. Sorry for all I've missed. :)

You didn't mention any plans to come to New Jersey in all of that... but we'll forgive you because it sounds like you'll be busy enough! :)


Bex_78 said...

actually i am hoping that my april trip will involve a visit to NY pre- new orleans. already pricing tickets via Philly : )

Anonymous said...

When in April? My mom will be here 10-21 and my dad 21-26. And I'm guessing baby will be here by then as well. :)